Learn How to Use the Capitol Words API on Codecademy


We’re excited to announce that we’ve partnered with Codecademy to make our Capitol Words API easier to learn and use. Codecademy is an online learning environment that currently supports novice coders learning Ruby, Python, Javascript and HTML/CSS. They also run Codeyear, which sends you a lesson a week in a project of your choice. They even have some notable participants:

Today they’re launching a new spate of courses, including an introduction to HTTP and APIs and courses in other partner APIs, including Bit.ly and NPR. To participate, we’ve submitted lessons on using our Capitol Words API in Python. You’ll learn the basics of making requests to the API, how to use the different endpoints, how to sort, paginate and how to use different query parameters. It’s geared towards a beginner to intermediate Python student with minimal knowledge of RESTful APIs and JSON (all of which can be gleaned from the intro course mentioned above).

We hope to add more languages and APIs in the future, but we thought Capitol Words would be a fun API to kick off with. So, go take a look! And don’t forget to check out our other APIs here.