2Day in #OpenGov 1/28/2013



  • Libya is backing off earlier pledges to deliver greater transparency and will not reveal details of its oil sales this year. New Libyan leadership had initially promised more transparency after widespread corruption in the pre-revolutionary government. (Trust Law)
  • Many of K Street’s biggest firms saw revenues fall in 2012, but some smaller shops are bucking the trend and snagging new clients. (The Hill)
  • Dark money groups have turned their attentions, and wallets, towards defeating Chuck Hagel, President Obama’s nominee to lead the defense department. (New York Times)
  • Many senior aides on Capitol Hill that work on energy and environmental issues have departed their positions in recent months, citing the partisan gridlock. (National Journal)
  • Google’s flu data has captivated many this season, but it is only one of a variety of systems tracking flue trends. (National Journal)
  • A three year old task to evaluate 361 million pages of classified documents to determine which could be released to the public has been completed, according the the National Archives and Records Administration. 90 million historical pages have been released or reclassified. (Government Executive)
  • S. 9. A bill to strengthen our Nation’s electoral system by ensuring clean and fair elections.


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