2Day in #OpenGov 2/20/2013



  • The video game Minecraft is being combined with open data to allow citizens to “hack” their cities. Real-life locations can be created and edited within the game. (Tech President)
  • The International Budget Partnership recently released the latest edition of their Open Budget Survey, tracking spending transparency around the world. 77 out of 100 countries failed to meet the survey’s standards. (Huffington Post)
  • The Supreme Court has agreed to consider a case challenging the limit on how much an individual can donate to political candidates or parties over the course of an election cycle. The Republican National Committee teamed up with a wealthy Alabama donor, Shaun McCutcheon, to bring the case. (Roll Call)
  • It appears Rufus Gifford, who led President Obama’s mammoth reelection fundraising efforts is going to rewarded for a job well done. Obama is rumored to be considering tapping the longtime fundraiser and gay rights advocate to serve as ambassador to Denmark. (Washington Post)
  • Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington is suing the IRS, claiming that the agencies regulations for politically active nonprofit groups are currently out of line with tax law. (Roll Call)
  • A number of government watchdogs are expressing their concern that the President’s recent silence on campaign finance reform, combined with the creation of a group able to raise and spend unlimited funds from the remnants on his campaign apparatus, have resulted in a system over-ripe for corruption. (The Hill)


  • H.R. 530. Government Waste Reduction Act of 2013.


  • None.

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