Top 25 Viewed Pages in Elena’s Inbox
Sunlight’s new site Elena’s Inbox – taking recently released emails from Elena Kagan’s days in the Clinton White House and putting them in GMail format – has proven to be very popular and very sticky with some pretty amazing metrics over its first 48 hours (as of 10:00 am, Friday, June 25).
Here’s a couple stats:
Total pageviews: 176,335 Average time on site: a whopping 3:03 Pages/visit: a ridiculous 8.83 Bounce Rate: Super-low 26.11%
What’s been particularly interesting for me is to watch, though, are the pages that are most compelling to others on the site, and how they’re engaging with it.
The most interesting pages to Elena’s Inbox visitors (judged by most viewed and tweeted) are quite telling. Given the diversity of incoming links and the numbers of views over such a short period, these numbers can provide some nice insight into what the public is curious about with President Obama’s latest Supreme Court nominee.
Beyond the homepage which has had 41,243 pageviews, the most viewed pages are:
2. “Page 56” of emails (oldest) (5,882 pageviews) 3. “Page 2” of emails (next page) (5,436) 4. Thread Subject: “test” (4,557) 5. Thread Subject: “Two G-rated Jewish jokes” (3,753) 6. Thread Subject: “5th Commandment” (3,413) 7. All the emails ‘starred’ by users (3,140) 8. Thread Subject: “Thanks” – email from Todd A. Summers (2,106) 9. “Page 3” of emails (2,050) 10. Search phrase: “making the President look like a liar” (2,047) 11. Thread Subject: “President Clinton to nominate Sally Katzen…” (2,039) 12. Thread Subject: “Read Receipt: Justice Testimony on HR 1304” to Robert J. Pellicci (1,947) 13. Thread Subject: “Re: FYI” to Melinda D. Haskins (1,740) 14. Thread Subject: “Re: Religious service and student loans“** (1,700) 15. Thread Subject: “Mouse Pad” (funny) (1,526) 16. Thread Subject: “Re: Exec order” to Jose Cerda III (1,457) 17. “Page 55” of emails (next to last) (1,419) 18. Thread Subject: “Re: NCAA brief” to Peter Rundlet (1,377) 19. Subj: “hyde language” (1,149) 20. “Page 4” of emails (1,187) 21. Thread Subject: “Contact List” (1,159) 22. Thread Subject Memo: “Executive Order on Racial Profiling” (1,128) 23. Thread Subject: “take 2 on timber” (1,085) 24. Thread Subject: “no subject” Text: “…Cross your fingers so that it comes true!” (928) 25. Thread Subject: “paragraph for sap” (881)