The Week on Politwoops: #badassgame, a shy budget vote and a lengthy butt tweet
Welcome to another weekly review of tweets deleted by U.S. politicians caught and archived by Politwoops.
Last weekend Senator Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., was quite excited for the SEC championship between Mizzou and Auburn. She spent her weekend tweeting about tailgates and sharing pictures of her morning Bloody Mary. The night before the big day she deleted a tweet now only available on Politwoops with the image to the right that read “Off to Atlanta in AM. Hope we’re still the underdog at kickoff.Gonna earn some respect. #badassgame #Mizzou.” It’s unclear why this particular tweet was removed but I would guess it’s either due to the visibility of her plane ticket details or the fact she declared the game to be a #badassgame rather than the #bigassgame hashtag she used in her other tweets.
Less than a day after Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., and Senator Patty Murray, D-Wash., unveiled their budget deal, Rep. Paul Cook, R-Calif., sent a tweet declaring “I am planning on supporting the budget agreement reached by @PRyan and @PattyMurray. Read more” Rep. Cook, who campaigned as a bridge-builder with Democrats and took on a Tea Party candidate in the last election, deleted the tweet after two minutes and there’s no mention of his eventual yes vote on either social media presence.
Rep. Scott Rigell, R- Va., either promoted his cat to communications director or suffered a doozy of a butt tweet when he shared this communiqué with his more than 7,000 followers: “13($$411/,)$&@’njjvv. Zzz c. aqedukfedqqhliobvvxxsaqaAsfvbbcvv.V. N. b. @m@m@@@@@cfv.”
Recent additions to Politwoops include the campaign account for Rep. Cory Gardner, R-Colo., and the official account of Rep. Billy Long, R-Mo.