Blogging Corruption:


The Drudge Report posts a section of the soon to be released Abramoff interview where the ex-lobbyist claims that he is surprised that “Senator McCain has joined the chorus of amnesiacs.” … Max Blumenthal, at The Huffington Post, writes about the split in the religious right that is being caused by Abramoff and Ralph Reed’s involvement in stopping a casino in Louisiana. … Senate Majority Project takes aim at Sen. Gordon Smith’s cozy relationship with offshore tax shelters. According to the Project’s director Mike Gehrke, “Gordon Smith took a trip down to the Virgin Islands, and came back with $47,000 and a new position on off-shore tax havens.” … John Byrne of Raw Story writes that the National Center for Public Policy Research, an Abramoff-led non-profit, produced articles and material that was highly favorable to Abramoff’s clients. … TPM Muckraker Paul Kiel presents emails that show staffers from Sen. Lincoln Chaffee’s office asking Abramoff’s assistant Susan Ralston for tickets to MCI Center events.

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