Bipartisan Transparency Push


On the heels of today’s Jeff Birnbaum article, “Support for Electronic Filing of Senate Candidates’ Campaign-Finance Records Gains Momentum,” the blogosphere, left and right, has united to push Senators to file their campaign-finance records electronically. Bloggers from Daily Kos, Red State, HuffPo, Captain’s Quarters, Think Progress, and Wonkette are pushing for the passage of S. 1508, which would mandate electronic filing. S. 1508 is one of many transparency measures that have been languishing in Senate or House committees waiting for the kind of public pressure that bloggers brought to Coburn-Obama and will now hopefully bring to electronic filing. The following is a list of transparency bills that could use a helping hand:

H.R. 4967 (Sunlight Act of 2006) Sponsored by Steve King  
Where it is: House Administration Committee and the House Rules Committee
In the bill:
1) Requires all FEC reports be filed electronically and placed on the internet in a searchable database.
2) Requires all private travel reports be put on the internet in a searchable database.
3) Requires all personal financial disclosure reports to list the actual dollar amount rather than using a range. Also, require all personal financial disclosure forms be put on the internet in a searchable database.
4) Requires all bills and conference reports be placed on the internet at least 48 hours before a vote, all amendments made in order by a rule within one hour after the rule is filed, and all amendments made under open rule immediately as it is being offered.
5) Requires the House to project onto a wall the topic of debate on the floor for the viewing of members and the gallery.

H.Res. 797 Sponsored by Melissa Bean
Where it is: Referred to House Administration Committee
In the bill:
1) Instructs the Clerk of the House to create a record organized by member name of all recorded votes including the roll, date, issue, question, result, and title or description of the vote, and any cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office related to the vote.
2) Requires all members to have a link to their voting record in this database on their official webpage.

H. Res. 728 Sponsored by Jeff Flake
Where it is: Referred to the House Rules Committee
In the bill:
1) Establishes new rules for pre-approval of privately funded congressional travel.
2) Requires the Clerk of the House to post all private travel reports and advance authorizations on the internet, not later than 10 days after receipt, in a searchable database.

S. 2179 CLEAN UP Act Sponsored by Barack Obama
Where it is: Senate Rules Committee and Senate Administration Committee
In the bill:
1) Requires all conference committees to hold regular, public/televised meetings; require conference committees to give conferees adequate notice of the time and place of such meetings; require that all conferees be afforded the opportunity to participate in full and complete debates on the matters before the committee.
2) Requires actual voting in conference committees and require the majority to allow the minority an opportunity to submit dissenting or minority views.
3) Requires all legislation (bill, resolution, amendment, and conference report) to be placed on the internet for at least 72 hours prior to its consideration.
4) Requires that no appropriation bill will be considered unless a list of all earmarks in the bill and accompanying reports are made available to all Members and placed on the internet for at 72 hours prior to its consideration.

H. Res. 688 Sponsored by Brian Baird
Where it is: Referred to House Rules Committee
In the bill:
1) Requiring all bills, amendments, and conference reports to available to members and the public, by putting it online, for at least 72 hours before such legislation is considered.

H. Res. 81 Sponsored by Mark Green
Where it is: Referred to House Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on the Constitution
In the bill:
1) Requires the Clerk of the House to create an online database of lobbying reports modeled on the database on the Senate homepage.