DC Residents: What Are You Doing Next Tuesday at Two?


March 13 at 2-3 PM in the Zenger Room of the National Press Club, we are holding a panel discussion on “Sunshine in the First Branch: How Transparent is Congress?”

Our goal is to celebrate Sunshine Week–a three-year old week where the press corps pushes government to be more transparent–and to make sure that Congressional transparency stays in the spotlight, along with Executive Branch transparency. But we also want to explore creative suggestions for opening up Congress — the panel is a mix of investigative journalists whose life work is investigating congress and activists, each bringing their own ideas about what could-and ought-be more transparent in Congress.

Mark Tapscott moderates, and the panelists are John Solomon (Washington Post), Jonathan Salant (Blooomberg), Bill Allison (Sunlight), Rafael Degennero (Read the Bill), and Matt Stoller (Open House Project). Tapscott, among many other things, has been honored by the National Freedom of Information Hall of Fame for his lifelong efforts to open up government.

The room holds about 40, and about 20 have RSVP’d. If you’d like to come, please send me an email at zteachout at sunlightfoundation.com. After the panel discussion (40 minutes) the floor will open for 20 minutes of discussion.

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