12 Senators Left! Keep Calling.


Major media outlets are reporting that the Senator in question is definitely a Republican. Since we know that the Senator is a Republican we can narrow down our search to the remaining 12 Republican Senators. Help find the anonymous Senator and call these 12 Senators today. I’ve separated them into two groups. One group contains Republican cosponsors of the bill that have not made a statement yet. It is highly unlikely that any of these Senators have blocked the bill but it is still worth getting a statement out of them. The second group is our Main Suspects list. These Senators aren’t cosponsors and have either not been contacted or refuse to divulge information. It is time to put pressure on these 10 Senators. Just in case a staffer tells you there is no hold let them know that Sen. DeMint's office confirmed that there is a hold to one our callers. Who is the anonymous Senator blocking S. 223? It’s time to find out. Use this contact form to let us know or leave your findings in the comments.

Main Suspects

Senator Contact Secret Hold?
Jon Kyl (R-Arizona) (202) 224-4521  
Mel Martinez (R-Florida) (202) 224-3041 NO
Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) (202) 224-6142 NO
Pat Roberts (R-Kansas) (202) 224-4774 NO
David Vitter (R-Louisiana) (202) 224-4623  
Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) (202) 224-5344  
Trent Lott (R-Mississippi) (202) 224-6253  
John Ensign (R-Nevada) (202) 224-6244 NO
Judd Gregg (R-New Hampshire) (202) 224-3324  
John Warner (R-Virginia) (202) 224-2023 NO

Cosponsors who haven’t denied (highly unlikely)

Senator Contact Secret Hold?
Thad Cochran (R-Mississippi) (202) 224-5054 NO
Chuck Hagel (R-Nebraska) (202) 224-4224