Congressional subpoena update


Via National Journal’s CongressDaily:

SUBPOENAS WITHDRAWN. Subpoenas of a dozen House members were withdrawn late Tuesday by an attorney for a defense contractor accused of bribing former Rep. Randy (Duke) Cunningham, R-Calif., after a federal judge indicated he was prepared to quash them, the Associated Press reported. U.S. District Judge Larry Burns said he might consider enforcing the subpoenas if contractor Brent Wilkes’ attorneys could demonstrate the lawmakers had specific information related to the charges and that their testimony would be critical to his defense. Wilkes was scheduled to go on trial today in San Diego on charges that he gave Cunningham more than $700,000 in cash and perks. Wilkes’ attorney, Mark Geragos, told reporters he might file new requests for subpoenas against former Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., and California Republican Reps. John Doolittle, Duncan Hunter, Darrell Issa and Jerry Lewis. Geragos also said he was trying to serve a subpoena on White House Chief of Staff Bolten; the White House had no comment.

I wonder if members report to the House when a subpoena has been withdrawn…