Farm Bill and Farm Subsidies


Air Congress highlights a short yet informative video from the free market Competitive Enterprise Institute on the 2007 Farm Bill and the pork Congress has weighted it down with. Here’s another from the anti-hunger group Oxfam America making similar points. But if you are interested in the Farm Bill, your research should start with the Environmental Working Groups long-standing farm subsidy database.

The National Family Farm Coalition, an advocate for the family farmer and the American consumer, is right in saying that anyone who eats has an interest and a stake in the farm bill. NFFC has a very helpful resource that answers many of the questions regarding the bill and agriculture policy.

Congress reauthorizes the farm bill every five years, and is the foundation of the nation’s food system by setting policy and budgets for everything from crop subsidies and country-of-origin labeling to food stamps and conservation programs. "The farm bill directly impacts everything you eat and as a taxpayer," NFFC writes, and "you are footing the bill."

Lobbyists for the large agribusiness corporations and commodity groups have bought much more access to Congress than family farmers. This is a classic David versus Goliath battle, with the wealthy agribusiness Goliaths with all the advantages.You guess how it usually turns out.