The Internet in Transition


Knowing that risks to free expression on the Internet exist and are growing, the Center for Democracy & Technology (CDT), a Sunlight Foundation grantee, works to promote democratic values and constitutional liberties in the vortex of the information revolution. As part of that effort, our friends at CDT have launched The Internet in Transition, an effort to encourage citizen involvement in keeping the Net “open, innovative and free.”

They are working on a set of proposals for the Internet and technology policy. Those proposals include preserving free speech while protecting children online, protecting consumer privacy, keeping a balance between security and liberty, promoting global Internet freedom, keeping the net open to innovation, and promoting an open and transparent government. The document is a work in progress.

CDT is asking citizens to join them in the effort by reading and commenting on their proposals, hoping the group effort will strengthen the final document. In January of next year, CDT will present the blueprint to the new administration and Congress.