

This afternoon, Rep. John Culberson and I had a twitterfest (am I making up terms here?) about the need for lawmakers (minimally)  to have the time to read legislation before they have to vote on it. (Sunlight thinks if bills and amendments were actually posted online in advance of votes citizens would have an opportunity to get on the act too.

The back and forth started a day ago after Rep. Culbeson complained earlier that the Democrats were bringing up bills before anyone had a chance to read them

Here’s the tweetalogue.

EllnMllr @johnculberson Support Rep Baird’s H. Res 504. There are 13 bipartisan co-sponsors. about 3 hours ago from web in reply to johnculberson

johnculberson @EllnMllr I am also going to ask my Repub colleagues to support 72 hr rule about 2 hours ago from web in reply to EllnMllr

Johnculberson @EllnMllr Right now is a perfect example of how desperately America needs you and others through the Internet to shine sunlight on Congress about 2 hours ago from web in reply to EllnMllr

johnculberson @EllnMllr Please eblast your members your followers and let them know their Congressmen are being asked to approve $185 Bill in War spending about 2 hours ago from web in reply to EllnMllr

johnculberson @EllnMllr in a floor vote before 6pm on a 184 pg $185 b bill that was written at 2:37pm and filed publicly about the same time – outrage! about 2 hours ago from web in reply to EllnMllr

johnculberson @EllnMllr Here is where floor bills 1st appear: Click on war bill: HOUSE AMENDMENT TO SENATE AMENDMENT 2 (H.R. 2642) about 2 hours ago from web in reply to EllnMllr

johnculberson @EllnMllr Now read the bottom of each page for time stamp. June 19 2:37pm means the Legis Council finished writing the bill today at 2:37pm! about 2 hours ago from web in reply to EllnMllr

johnculberson @EllnMllr Remember – no comm hearing, no amendments, no time for we the people to read it on internet or anywhere else; 1 hour debate & vote about 2 hours ago from web in reply to EllnMllr