Financial Bailout: Who does Dodd see at his fundraisers?


Among Sen. Christopher Dodd’s top career donors are employees, their family members and PACs of the following players in the nation’s financial meltdown: Citigroup (“written off and lost $53.6 billion through the credit crunch so far, which is more than any other bank or broker,”) Bear Stearns (“Bear Stearns’s mortgage business, a big driver of profits, has been eviscerated,”), SAC Capital Partners (vehemently denies charge that they helped bring down Bear Stearns), American International Group (saved by an emergency $85 billion rescue), Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley (each of which are morphing into bank holding companies), Greenwich Capital Markets (“a top issuer of mortgage-backed securities in the subprime market, Royal Bank of Scotland (which owns Greenwich Capital Markets), Credit Suisse Group (which misled some investors about its auction rate securities), Merrill Lynch (which needed Bank of America to rescue it), J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. (which bought Bear Stearns) and Lehman Brothers (which failed).