2/2-2/5 Top Sunlight Blog Posts


Here are the most read Sunlight blog posts for this past week:

1) Yet again, our number one post is last week’s “White House Breaks Transparency Promise.”

2) John Wonderlich looks at the competing House and Senate provisions for Recovery.gov in “New Senate Stimulus Bill: Recovery.gov Out?

3) Ellen Miller reports on a new project of collaborative stimulus watchdogging in “StimulusWatch.org.”

4) “On the 5-Day Bill Posting Pledge,” looked further at Obama’s continued failure to live up to a campaign pledge.

5) The ongoing Jack Abramoff scandal goes on, that is the topic of “Abramoff Investigation Continues Apace.”

6) Some suggestions for a stimulus web site make up the content of “Recovery.gov.”

7) People still want to read Obama’s “Memorandum on Transparency,” which is posted here.

8) Last week’s “Stimulus Bill Amendments,” noted the adoption of some transparency related amendments to the House stimulus bill.

9) Bill Allison’s investigation of Rep. Charles Rangel’s financial disclosures, “Unraveling Rangel.” (For the full story, see Bill’s post at Real Time Investigations.)

10) In a bit of what Sunlight’s Elizbeth Nolan called “post modern irony,” the final post here is last week’s top blog posts post, “1/26-1/30 Top Sunlight Blog Posts.”