TransparencyCamp Lives On


TransparencyCamp, the unconference event that iStrategyLabs and Sunlight co-sponsored two weekends ago, was a huge success.

We made a highlight reel of the weekend —  interviews with many of the participants, including me  and Craig Newmark, scenes from various sessions. We want  to share with those who attended and those who couldn’t make it :

The spirit generated 10 days ago lives on.

There are multiple ways to stay involved, whether you attended in person, virtually or not at all at the time. Check out the TransparencyCamp’s community page, where you can find videos, photos, community groups, free stuff and more.

Here’s a list of ways to stay — or get — involved:

1. See what people have said about Transparency Camp on our delicious feed. 2. Join the Google Group. Currently there are  206 members who have added 86 messages. 3. Check out the full list of related community groups you can join. 4. Join our Transparency Breakfasts: The Sunlight Foundation is hosting what we hope will be an ongoing series of 90-minute “working breakfasts” to talk about plans, ideas, tactics and strategies for making the federal government more transparent. Bagels and coffee will be served. RSVP is required – sign up now by following this link: 5. I <3 Transparency happy hours: Sunlight will also be hosting a series of happy hours for transparency activists…With the next one happening on Friday April 3rd. 6. Follow and participate in the Twitter stream #TCAMP09. 7. Check out the camp’s Flickr photos and group. (Thanks to Sunlight’s Avelino Maestas for setting it up.) 8. And here’s a link to a blog post I wrote at the conclusion of the camp on what people had been saying on Twitter about the event.

Join us in keeping the spirit alive by continuing the communication and collaboration.