New Mexico Independent asks for help hunting earmarks


The New Mexico Independent is asking readers to delve into the earmark requests of Sens. Jeff Bingaman and Tom Udall, and comment on anything interesting they find. This is what’s really important — while the hide-and-go-seek disclosure methods of Congress make for an amusing diversion, it’s the substance of the disclosures should command our attention.

So I’m happy to chip in the first thing I noticed: How about the first earmark disclosed here, to a company called Advatech Pacific. TPM Muckraker noted that the company’s employees contributed to PAC run by Rep. Jerry Lewis’ stepdaughter:

The group, the Small Biz Tech PAC, takes money from defense firms with business before Lewis’ committee. A number of them are clients of the Copeland Lowery lobbying firm, which employs Letitia White. (Both Copeland Lowery and White are under investigation in the Lewis matter.)

At least two of the PAC’s contributors — ICUITI Corp. and Advatech Pacific — have received earmarks from Lewis’ panel, according to records kept by the watchdog group Taxpayers for Common Sense.

Anu wrote about the firm as well — they turned up in the congressional correspondence we FOIA from government agencies.

Advatech Pacific still employs White as a lobbyist. Wonder