Editor’s Note: Correction to Stupak 11 post
A note about our story, “After health care vote, Stupak 11 request billions in earmarks.” For Rep. Charles Wilson, D-Ohio, we had inaccurate amounts for both FY2011 and FY2010 in the Google spreadsheet, available here, that accompanied the article. Wilson has requested $84 million in earmarks for FY2011, up from $62.3 million in FY2010. The spreadsheet originally listed these numbers as higher by a factor of ten, which threw off our calculation of the total amount of earmarks requested. We rechecked that number and the rest of our other numbers, and have since corrected the post.
Rep. Wilson’s staff was kind enough to point out the inaccuracy to us; we thank them and apologize for getting the number wrong. Needless to say, we deeply regret the error.