Daily Disclosures


A roundup of what we’re noticing in the Reporting Group as we dig into government data and disclosures:

Dark money: Outside groups fueled by $97.5 million that can’t be traced to donors.

Donors online: Our Follow the Unlimited Money tool now has data on donors to outside groups (at least those that disclose). Browse them here.

Dead end disclosure: Citizens for a Working America PAC discloses as its only donor New Models, a 501(c)4 organization that doesn’t disclose its donors.

Be sure to check out our Follow the Unlimited Money tool–updated hourly!–to get all the latest info on outside groups.

Corporate donors: Of the 77 donors to the First Amendment Alliance, 33 are corporations. Details here.

Super PAC primer: My colleague Lisa Rosenberg explains what’s changed in campaign finance laws.

The Daily Poligraft: Use it on DefenseLink contract announcementslike so.

Big spender: U.S. Chamber of Commerce reports spending $29.2 million on lobbying (which includes a wide range of political activities) in the third quarter of 2010.

Financial planning: You might not want to take advice from Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass. Politico reports that Frank loaned his campaign $200,000 from his personal funds. Frank’s campaign committee has given $300,000 to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, according to Open Secrets. Maybe he needs to schedule a fundraiser…

Deepwater client: Mega bundler Ben Barnes (profiled here) lobbies for law firm of Courtney Kemp, a Deepwater Horizon widow, on the Death on the High Seas Act and the Jones Act.