Sunlight Labs Virtual Office Hours: Jan 28 @ 3pm
All of us here are always interested in ways that we can better interact with all of you, whether it is contributing to our projects, posting on the Sunlight Labs Google Group, or just contacting us directly we’re always impressed with the dedication and creativity of our community.
In addition to these better known channels we also have an IRC channel, but it is usually pretty quiet, so we’d like to try something new as a way to give more of you direct access to our team.
Friday, January 28th at 3pm Eastern we’re going to be hosting office hours in #sunlightlabs on This will be your chance to join us to talk about what we’re working on, show off what you’re working on, ask us questions, or just hang out and chat.
If you already have an IRC client installed, just fire it up and start hanging out in #sunlightlabs on freenode. If you have never used IRC and would like to join us you can use freenode’s web interface, just type a nickname that you’d like to go by and enter #sunlightlabs for the channel.
We look forward to talking to as many of you as possible there, If you can’t make it but would like to attend future IRC office hours, drop by #sunlightlabs any time, there’s usually at least a few of us idling in there that’re happy to take a minute to chat.