2Day in #OpenGov 1/19/2012


Policy Fellow Matt Rumsey wrote this post.

Here is a look at Thursday’s transparency-related news items, congressional committee hearings, transparency-related bills introduced in Congress, and transparency-related events.

News Roundup:

  • A live talk show concerning alleged corruption among politicians in 2005 and 2006 that was scheduled to air on Slovak public television before elections was canceled because of potential “risk”. (Global Voices)
  • Nigerian citizens have been protesting the recent removal of a gasoline subsidy and the subsequent rise in fuel prices. But, it was revealed yesterday that the government had been subsidizing far more fuel than was necessary. The extra fuel was tied to elaborate corruption schemes. (Sahara Reporters)


  • At least four members of Congress joined major internet companies in black out their websites in protest of SOPA and PIPA yesterday. Some other members experienced website problems because of high levels of traffic being sent their way via protesting websites. (Roll Call $)
  • The Research Works Act aims to prevent publicly funded scientific research from automatically being available to the public for free. Private publishing companies are supportive of the legislation, while open-access activists are fighting it. (Miller-McCune)
  • Lobbying firms are beginning to release their fourth quarter revenue figures. The disclosures should continue over the next few days. (National Journal)
  • 25 Representatives and Senators have announced they will retire after this year’s election, a number that is growing almost every day. K street head hunters are preparing to recruit many of these soon-to-be ex-lawmakers to high paying jobs at law and lobbying firms. (The Hill)
Campaign Finance
  • 2012 GOP presidential contenders have broken from tradition and declined to release the names of their big “bundlers”. President Obama and GOP candidates, including George W. Bush and John McCain, have done so in the past. (iWatch News)
  • Massachusetts Senate candidates are taking concrete steps to limit the influence of super PACs on their race. Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA) and his opponent Elizabeth Warren are closing in on a deal that would impose expensive penalties on their respective campaigns if outside groups run ads supporting or opposing either candidate. (Roll Call $)

Relevant committee hearings scheduled for 1/19:

  • None.

Relevant bills introduced:

  • None.
Transparency events scheduled for 1/19:

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