Super PAC fallout: Stories we like


President Obama has stirred a lot of controversy with his comments about the Supreme Court, but you should hear what his 2008 opponent, Sen. John McCain, has to say about the justices.

The Arizona Republican's characteristically unvarnished assessment of the high court and its ruling overturning his landmark campaign finance reform bill are in an interview that National Public Radio did with him and the co-author of the legislation, former Sen. Russ Feingold, D-Wisc. NPR used excerpts for a series aired last week on money and politics, but has just made the full transcript available. It's a must-read. You can also take a listen here.

Meanwhile, CBS has managed to snag some interviews with big donors behind the super PACs made possible by the Supreme Court decision that McCain and Feingold so passionately decry. 

For the record, Obama backer Jeffrey Katzenberg and Romney fan Julian Robertson both insist they expect absolutely no special favors for the millions they've pumped into the campaign. Sunlight will be  taking a closer look at this claims in the future.