Orgs Call on House to Pass the DATA Act
24 organizations today called upon the House of Representatives to pass the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act. The DATA Act is a landmark transparency bill that would transform how taxpayers, watchdogs, and the government monitor how public money is spent. It would close many of the gaps in the collection of federal spending data and make sure the information is available in a usable, consistent format.
The DATA Act would ensure that every government agency reports its spending information in the same way. It also would establish uniform reporting for recipients of federal funds. This would make it much easier for everyone to monitor where the money is going.
The DATA Act was favorably reported by the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform with bipartisan support, and comparison legislation has been introduced by Senator Warner in the Senate. Citizens interested in urging their elected officials to support the DATA Act should go here.
A vote is expected in the House of Representatives on Wednesday.