2Day in #OpenGov 3/5/2013



  • The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative includes major oil companies as well as watchdogs and NGOs that work together to increase transparency. But, several of those oil companies are now working to weaken reporting rules in the US. (POGO)
  • While doubt has been shed on the prostitution accusations leveled against New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez (D), new reports continue to emerge about other questionable actions. The latest suggests that he introduced legislation that may have helped his biggest donor Salomon Melgen. (Politico)
  • Russia is moving forward with a trial against an anti-corruption lawyer and whistleblower who died while in custody. Sergei Magnitsky was arrested shortly after accusing state officials of stealing $230 million. His death and continued prosecution has strained relations between Russia and the US. (Reuters/Yahoo)
  • Today in cognitive dissonance, Republican super PAC American Crossroads released a fake infomercial criticizing Organizing for Action for potentially selling “acce$$” to the President… (Washington Post)
  • …meanwhile, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney continued to raise more questions about Organizing for Action while trying to answer questions about Organizing for Action, saying that “any notion that there is a set price for a meeting with the President…is just wrong.” Does that mean the price is negotiable? (Politico)
  • As US Airways continues their merger proceedings with American Airlines they’re beefing up their already significant lobbying operation. They hired two new firms, the Gibson Group and Chesapeake Enterprises, in February. (Public Integrity)
  • Yael Weinman, currently an attorney adviser to FTC Commissioner Julie Brill, is leaving her post for a job as vice president of global privacy policy at the Information Technology Industry Council, a major tech lobbying firm. (The Hill)
  • Last month 21 programmers and tech experts along with 7 White House developers held the first White House Open Data Day Hackathon. They focused on building tools using the new We The People API and emerged with a number of tools to expand the sites functionality. (The White House Blog)


  • S. 350Fair Access to Science and Technology Research Act of 2013. 



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