Calling Volunteers: Help Ensure Public Records Remain Public in Every State


Screen Shot 2013-04-30 at 11.43.57 AMYesterday’s Supreme Court decision to uphold states’ rights to limit public information request to in-state requests, will likely hamper access by journalists and citizens to government information in certain states. To mitigate potential difficulties to access information in Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Georgia, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Tennessee and Virginia, MuckRock is seeking volunteers to serve as citizen co-filers from these states. MuckRock (a former Sunlight grantee) is a free service that serves as a FOIA proxy to request public records and creates a community database of FOIA-ed documents. In particular, our friends at MuckRock tell us they need the most help in Delaware.

Don’t let government transparency be limited by state lines, sign up to help!

To see an example of where the ability to file a local request in another state was critical to uncovering a special local interest, take a look at this story MuckRock unearthed in the FOIA process on drone documents.