Today in #OpenGov 9/6/2013



  • “We know secrecy corrupts, and we see that corruption.” Security expert Bruce Schneier argues that the only way for the government to regain public trust in the intelligence community is through a strong, independent special prosecutor, a program that allows government and corporate stories to openly talk about their experiences with NSA spying programs, and a public report about the issue. (The Atlantic, TechDirt)
  • Brazilian lawmakers will no longer be able to hide their votes, if the Senate approves a bill passed by the Chamber of Deputies this week. The change, which was proposed as a constitutional amendment nearly a decade ago, was a key demand during protests across the country earlier this summer. (BBC News)
  • The revolving door never stops turning. This week it sends Jason Abel, a former aide to Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY), to Steptoe & Johnson’s public policy group. Abel was previously Schumer’s chief counsel and lead staffer on campaign finance issues. (The Hill)
  • Click this link for the punny headline, stick around for the news that another member of the House Financial Services Committee is recognizing the fundraising potential that comes along with the seat. Denny Heck (D-WA) has joined the growing ranks of politicians with leadership PACs, which allow candidates to raise extra money that they can dole out to other campaigns. (Roll Call)
  • Organizing For Action, President Obama’s permanent campaign apparatus, hasn’t had much success pushing the President’s priorities so far, but that hasn’t stopped them from weighing in, constantly, on everything. Except, when it comes to potential U.S action in Syria they have, so far, decided to keep their thoughts, and money, to themselves.  (POLITICO)
  • The Open Data Census is looking for Country Editors to “help track the state of government data” around the world. The Census “is a tool that assesses the evolution and current state of open data around the world.” (Open Knowledge Blog)
  • What’s up with big city mayors taking strangely high-profile gigs after leaving office? First it was DC’s Adrian Fenty signing on with Rosetta Stone and now LA’s Antonio Villaraigosa is shilling for “local business” and possible pyramid scheme Herbalife. (POLITICO)

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