Today in #OpenGov 12/6/2013


National News

  • The House Committee on Administration considered the Government Printing Office at a hearing this week. In addition to hearing that the GPO wants to change its name, the committee considered the organizations business practices and level of public engagement. (CREW)
  • Elizabeth Warren is pushing the CEOs of America’s largest banks to be more forthcoming about the money that they spread around to Washington think tanks. These donations are currently shrouded in darkness and may effect the work produced by think tanks and distributed to policy makers, politicians, and the public. (Reuters)

International News

  • An open data initiative is underway in Oman. The initiative encourages agencies to open their data archives to the public and included a Big Open Data Idea contest, encouraging citizens to brainstorm ways that public data can be utilized. (Times of Oman)
  • The UK is losing its official Digital Champion. Martha Lane Fox, who has served in the role for three years, is moving on from the job that tasked her with promoting digital inclusion and e-government initiatives across the British government. (Future Gov)
  • KuvakaZim just launched a parliamentary monitoring system covering Zimbabwe using mySociety’s Pombola platform. As internet and mobile penetration grows in Africa, opportunities for citizens to engage with and monitor their governments should grow. (My Society)

State and Local News

  • A group is planning to walk across the State of New Hampshire to try to push eventual presidential candidates to answer the question, “what are YOU going to do to end corruption in Washington?” (#NHRebellion)

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