Sunlight’s Year in Review: 2013 was pretty great

people are reviewing very frequently.
This year was a busy one for the Sunlight Foundation. We developed new tools like Churnalism US, held the largest TransparencyCamp to date and traveled across the country and around the world.
The past 12 months were so jam packed, in fact, that we couldn’t contain it all to just a blog post (or email or video). Instead, check out Sunlight’s 2013 year in review, a multimedia look at where we were, what we did and who we worked with this past year.
There is a lot to scroll and view and share, so grab some coffee or tea, sit back and visit to get the scoop on the year. Perhaps you’ll even spot yourself in one of the features, such as the video about Sunlight and the opengov community embedded below.
Credit goes to Caitlin, Olivia, Nick, Jeremy and Tiina for creating the awesome design and videos. And thanks for being part of another exciting year; here’s to a great 2014.