Today in #OpenGov 2/5/2014


Keep reading for today’s look at #OpenGov news, events and analysis including opening up legislative data, local open data policies, and more.series-opengov-today

National News

  • House bills will now be available in open format thanks to steps forward by the Government Printing Office and Library of Congress. (FedScoop)
  • Travel rules aren’t keeping legislators and their staffers from traveling the world for free. They took more than 1,800 free trips last year at a value of nearly $6 million. (National Journal)
  • A new Senate bill aims to improve transparency at the FCC by requiring performance metrics and more disclosures from the communications regulator.  (The Hill)

International News

  • The Open Knowledge Foundation announced the launch of the Local Open Data Census, an effort to assess what information is open in cities around the world. (OKF)

State and Local News

  • A report from the Oakland Public Ethics Commission released last month is stirring ideas about how to innovate in the areas of transparency and accountability. (Stanford Social Innovation Review)
  • Open government advocates in Minneapolis are working toward an open data policy for the city. (Star Tribune)

Events Today

Events Tomorrow


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