If Sunlight Foundation Then That

text of the phrase "if Sunlight Foundation then that" with the Sunlight Foundation logo replacing it's name

Today we are excited to launch a new [Sunlight Foundation Channel](https://ifttt.com/sunlightfoundation) on [IFTTT](https://ifttt.com)! We here at Sunlight have had a long history of [experimenting with automation](https://sunlightfoundation.com/blog/2010/07/09/labs-olympics-geocron/) and [with IFTTT](http://sunlightfoundation.com/blog/2012/01/19/tools-for-transparency-10-sunlight-foundation-ifttt-recipes/), so we’re absolutely thrilled to be launching this Channel.

If you haven’t heard of it before, IFTTT lets you connect your accounts on various services to have actions on one trigger actions on another. It’s incredibly easy to set up these Recipes, but they let you do powerful things. Combined with hardware devices like your iPhone, [WeMo switches](http://www.belkin.com/us/Products/home-automation/c/wemo-home-automation/) and [Hue lights](http://meethue.com), you can even CONTROL THE PHYSICAL WORLD AROUND YOU. It’s like the Matrix, but in a much more limited fashion and without the trench coats.

We’re launching our Channel with two triggers:

* A bill is signed into law by the President * A bill is scheduled for a vote

So how about… if *a bill is signed into law by the President* then *send me a text message*? Or, if *a bill is scheduled for a vote* then *add it to my Google calendar*.

My personal favorite: if *a bill is signed into law* then *activate our WeMo switch*, bathing Eric in the warm, 500w glow of democracy.

A man at a computer being bathed in 500 watts of flood light

We’ve got a bunch of other triggers planned that we’ll be rolling out over the next few months. In the meantime, check out some of our favorite Recipes.

IFTTT Recipe: When a bill is scheduled for a vote add it to my calendar connects sunlight-foundation to google-calendar

IFTTT Recipe: Ask my Facebook friends if they support bills that are scheduled for a vote. connects sunlight-foundation to facebook

IFTTT Recipe: Open a Github issue for every new law connects sunlight-foundation to github

IFTTT Recipe: Create a spreadsheet of new laws, eliminating the need for countless Washington, DC interns connects sunlight-foundation to google-drive

So [get started and create some Recipes](https://ifttt.com/sunlightfoundation)! You can find more on our [IFTTT profile](https://ifttt.com/p/sunlightfoundation) or our [IFTTT page here on SunlightFoundation.com](http://sunlightfoundation.com/ifttt/).