Today in #OpenGov 3/18/2014


Keep reading for today’s look at #OpenGov news, events and analysis including federal FOIA news, OGP and the private sector, and problems with FOI compliance in New York.series-opengov-today

National News

  • The National Security Archive has found that, despite an Obama administration directive, more than half of federal agencies have not updated their FOIA regulations and guidelines. (Fierce Government)
  • The Associated Press is also studying up for Sunshine Week. New analysis of federal FOIA data shows that the Obama administration redacted documents or denied FOIA requests outright more than ever before last year. (POLITICO)

International News

  • With US troops slated to leave Afghanistan at the end of the year USAID will need to find new, safe ways to conduct oversight on their significant investment’s in the country. Looks like they’ll be turning to contractors to verify that other contractors are fulfilling their contractual obligations. (POGO)
  • A new “private sector council” has been created to make recommendations to the OGP Steering Committee on how to engage the private sector in the OGP process. (

State and Local News

  • New York’s Freedom of Information law requires all state agencies to maintain indexes of all records that they maintain. A study found that 79 out of 86 state agencies were not in compliance with this “subject matter list” requirement. (New York Star Gazette)
  • Last year Minnesota moved to weaken a gift ban, allowing lobbyists to purchase meals for lawmakers at certain receptions. The relevant Senate subcommittee voted to bring the ban back to its original state this week. (The Washington Times)

Events Today 3/18

  • It’s Sunshine Week! Check out the calendar for a comprehensive roundup of all this week’s related events.

Events Tomorrow 3/19

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