Today in #OpenGov 4/30/2014


Keep reading for today’s look at #OpenGov news, events and analysis including visualizing legislation, Southeast Asian open gov, and more.series-opengov-today

National News

  • A day after the DATA Act cleared Congress three of its main backers gathered to talk about the challenge of implemnting its requirements. Despite what will surely be a complicated process,  the congressional leaders promised to keep pressure on those in charge of implementation. (Federal Computer Week)
  • Senate leaders removed language from an intelligence reform bill that would require the administration to disclose data about drone strikes. (Tech Dirt)
  • Want to track decades of legislative action in a visually appealing form? A new project from the University of Washington has got you covered. (National Journal)

International News

  • As part of its Open Government Partnership commitments, the Philippines is set to launch a national citizen feedback portal. (Future Gov)
  • Jakarta, Indonesia held its first government sponsored Hackathon last week. Projects focused on budget and public transportation data. (Tech President)

State and Local News

  • The Supreme Court is considering a case involving a state employee who was fired for testifying in a public corruption case. The outcome could have significant implications for public employees who testify about on the job issues. (Washington Post)


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