This is our community: Highlights from TCamp14, an unconference for transparency

Each year at about this time — just days after we’ve dismantled The Wall, packed up our talking robot, Wallace, and stowed every last bit of swag from our annual opengov unconference, TransparencyCamp — we kick up our heels and think, “That was our best TCamp yet.”
And this year is no different.
Judging from the unprecedented amount of tweets, photos, notes, ideas, vowed next steps and outright energy, TransparencyCamp 2014 was by and far the best one we’ve ever held.
“TCamp14,” as it became known, was different than those that came before it, bringing even more folks together from all walks of life to share their knowledge, think up new ideas and create unique tools; all with the goal of making government more transparent and accountable to its people. The level of dialogue and debate about open data, open government and transparency at this year’s TCamp was expansive and inclusive — and we have all of you to thank for it. Unconferences truly are fueled by the participants, and we couldn’t have asked for a better group to champion the cause of open government.
We’ll have some more reflections and behind-the-scenes views in the days ahead, but first we wanted to share with you an intricate look back at the highlights of TCamp14; one winding, slightly crazy story composed of your experiences. Enjoy! And if you’d like to peruse more of the conversation yourself, check out the #TCamp14 hashtag on Twitter.