Today in #OpenGov 8/5/2014
Keep reading for today’s look at #OpenGov news, events, and analysis, including an Executive Branch delay on a much-anticipated report on “enhanced interrogation techniques,” alleged Israeli surveillance on John Kerry’s communications, and the Kochs planting money among Oregon forests.

National News
- The Obama administration’s attempt to redact some portions of an upcoming report on “enhanced interrogation techniques” is drawing ire from Capitol Hill and could delay the release of the detailed analysis for months. (The Hill)
- Texas governor and potential presidential contender Rick Perry took a familiar step that other White House hopefuls have taken recently: He set up a federal PAC, aptly called RickPAC. (Politico)
- Ross Ulbricht, the alleged creator of the controversial online market Silk Road, is calling his arrest an example of government trampling privacy rights in the digital world, arguing for a dismissal of all charges based on fourth amendment protections against warrantless searches of his digital property. (Wired)
- The National Institute of Standards and Technology has released a draft guidance for federal agencies, contractors and the intelligence community to evaluate the privacy and security controls used on federal information systems and information technology networks. (Executive Gov)
International News
- Vice President Biden urged African leaders to do more to fight the “cancer of corruption” during a speech Monday at the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit in Washington. Biden said that corruption “prevents the establishment of a genuine democratic system. It stifles economic growth and scares away investment.” (The Hill)
- Der Spiegel reported that Israeli intelligence eavesdropped on US Secretary of State John Kerry during Middle East peace negotiations. In addition to the Israelis, at least one other intelligence service also listened in as Kerry mediated last year between Israel, the Palestinians and the Arab states. (Der Spiegel)
- The Indonesian 2014 general elections and election campaigns showed a huge enthusiasm for public participation in politics, following the enactment of Indonesia’s Freedom of Access to Public Information Act and consequently improved access to government and election information. (FutureGov)
State and Local News
- Monica Wehby, an Oregon pediatric neurosurgeon, has become one of this cycle’s conservative stars on the strength of her résumé and strong victory over four opponents in the May GOP Senate primary. Koch-affiliated group Freedom Partners aims to cement a frontrunner status by pouring millions into a television ad blitz in the state. (Oregonian)
- The Bay Area Newspaper Group and the Los Angeles News Paper Group, after arguing that the California state Senate abuses its discretion, filed a suit last week when lawmakers refused to release information requested about disgraced Senators Leland Yee, D-San Francisco, and Ron Calderon, D-Montebello. (All Gov)
- The Texas Ethics Commission fined the head of a conservative advocacy group for failing to register as a lobbyist, but the organization’s leader argues that he should not have to pay because he runs a media organization. The fined plans to file an appeal in state court. (Reporters Committee)
Events Tomorrow
- Privacy vs. Democracy: The Challenge for Japan and Australia. Woodrow Wilson Center. Wed., 8/6. 4:00 PM. Fourth Floor, Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center, One Woodrow Wilson Plaza, 1300 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, D.C.
- Elections Worth Dying For? A Selection of Case Studies from Africa. International Foundation for Electoral Systems. Thu., 8/7. 12:00 PM. 1850 K St. NW, Suite 500, Washington, D.C.
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