The Week on Politwoops: deleted press release, a challenger’s dream and memories of working for the CIA

It was another busy week on Politwoops, with politicians attempting to hide tweets that included an entire press release, an adaptation of a Martin Luther King Jr. quote and much more.
We start with a deletion from the official account of Rep. Paul Cook, R-Calif., that said, “#EricHolder’s resignation is long overdue. For 6 years, he’s trampled on the constitutional separation of powers” with a link to a press release. After a day of being public, this tweet was deleted along with the associated press release. Fortunately, Politwoops takes a screenshot of tweeted links so it’s possible to also see the strongly worded release urging that Holder resign immediately and saying “[h]is partisan tenure has brought dishonor upon the Office of Attorney General.”
There is no other statement on Cook’s official website regarding the resignation of Eric Holder. It is not clear why these statements were removed and unfortunately his Twitter account ignored multiple tweets requesting comment, his communications director, Michael Fresquez, has yet to return multiple emails and nobody in his office was authorized to comment when called. I’ll update this post if there are any developments, and the entirety of the deleted press release is available at the bottom of this post.
Next we look at a Republican challenger in Florida’s 20th District named Jay Bonner, who deleted this tweet after two weeks:

The adaptation of Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous “I have a dream” speech was removed after being public on Bonner’s campaign Twitter feed and his account did not respond to a request for comment. Bonner faces a tough election against incumbent Rep. Alcee Hastings, D-Fla.
Another challenger making a notable appearance on Politwoops this week was Kevin Strouse, a Democratic candidate in Pennsylvania’s 8th District. He was a CIA officer for eight years and couldn’t help weighing in on a recent Washington Post article about the Starbucks at the agency’s Langley, Virginia headquarters. His campaign account tweeted, “Article is right, line usually too long…but I remember some long double espresso nights!” and then deleted it less than a minute later, opting instead for a lame Glomar response joke:

Finally this week, Will Hurd, a Republican challenger in Texas’ 23rd District, deleted a tweet saying, “Today is National Coffee Day. Everybody go home it’s a national holiday bye.” On that note, have a great weekend and please take a moment to let me know if Politwoops is missing any accounts!
Below is the text of the deleted press release from Cook transcribed from the screenshot on Politwoops:
Rep. Paul Cook Welcomes Attorney General Eric Holder’s Resignation
Sep 25, 2014 | Press Release
WASHINGTON – Rep. Paul Cook (R – Apple Valley) welcomes the long overdue announcement that US Attorney General Eric Holder will step down. Holder has occupied the office of Attorney General for nearly six years. His tenure has been marked by scandals, refusal to follow laws passed by Congress, and unwillingness to investigate wrongdoing in the executive branch.
Under Eric Holder, the Justice Department oversaw the “Fast and Furious” operation, where thousands of guns were illegally sold to Mexican drug cartels. These guns were later linked to numerous murders, including that of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. Holder also trampled on the freedom of the press by tracking the phone of journalist James Rosen and prohibited law enforcement officials in Arizona from enforcing state immigration laws.
Early in his tenure, Holder refused to prosecute the New Black Panther Party for voter intimidation despite verified accounts of armed members of the party located at polling places. Holder consistently refused to investigate wrongdoing by members of the executive branch, most notably State Department officials after Benghazi and IRS official Lois Lerner after using the IRS to target political opponents.
Cook said, “Eric Holder’s resignation is long overdue. For six years, he’s trampled on the constitutional separation of powers by single-handedly picking and choosing which federal laws he would enforce. His partisan tenure has brought dishonor upon the Office of Attorney General. It’s time for the President to appoint a humble and truly independent Attorney General who will enforce the law, prosecute wrongdoing, and be accountable to the American people.
“While Holder has stated he intends to stay on until a replacement is approved, I urge him to resign immediately. The Justice Department needs leadership Americans can trust and that can’t happen until Holder has left office.”
A member of the House Veterans’ Affairs, Armed Services, and Foreign Affairs Committees, Cook served as an infantry officer and retired after 26 years as a Colonel in the U.S. Marine Corps. During his time in combat, he was awarded the Bronze Star and two Purple Hearts.