The Week on Politwoops: a slogan, a scold, a hoof and poof

This week’s roundup of notable deletions archived on Politwoops include a campaign mocking the idea that people would believe a campaign slogan, a mysterious scolding and a childish spelling error.
We start with the deletion seen to the right from the campaign account of Gov. Sean Parnell, R-Alaska, that boldly encourages those who believe slogans to believe his opponent, Bill Walker. Parnell’s own slogan “Building Alaska Together” are both the first words of his campaign Twitter bio and a prominent header image on every page of his campaign website. Parnell’s campaign account did not respond to questions about why this tweet was deleted and if the candidate believes slogans.
The campaign account of Gwen Graham, a House challenger in Florida’s 2nd District, deleted an ironic tweet scolding the Twitter account of her regional field director that said, “@Jd9yanki This isn’t how you use Twitter, Jordan @steveschale.” Graham’s campaign account and those mentioned in the deletion did not respond to a request for comment, and it’s unclear what the deletion was referencing or how Jordan should use Twitter.
Finally, this week the campaign account for Gov. Tom Corbett, R-Pa., deleted a tweet that said “.@WolfForPA is at your door and he’ll hoof and poof until he’s tripled your personal income tax.” The misspelling of “huff” and “puff” in an attempt to cast his opponent Tom Wolf as the Big Bad Wolf from Three Little Pigs was deleted after being public for 56 minutes. Since a replacement never appeared, the sloppy tweet now resides in the Politwoops archive.
Have a lovely weekend, and if you have a moment please drop us an email if you notice Politwoops is missing any accounts!