Liberal group to air ‘issue ad’ in Iowa

A left-leaning nonprofit will begin airing ads on the renewable fuel standard in Des Moines on Monday, days after Hillary Clinton wrapped up her first road trip through Iowa as a presidential candidate.
Americans United for Change, a nonprofit headed by a former Democratic National Committee official, declined to provide details on the buy. Jeremy Funk, a spokesman for the group, said only that an announcement was planned Monday.
Ad documents at NBC affiliate WHO-TV and CBS affiliate KCCI show ads scheduled to run on news programming on Monday only. A KCCI document describes the ad as being about “Oil Spills,” the “Renewable Fuel Standard” and the American Petroleum Institute. Sunlight wrote about Americans United for Change looking into the buy several days ago.
The group is led by Brad Woodhouse, who also heads a super PAC named American Bridge, which functions as a Democratic opposition research clearinghouse. Woodhouse and his brother, a Republican operative named Dallas Woodhouse, may be best known for their role on a viral CSPAN clip that features their mother calling in to complain about the brothers’ bickering about politics at Thanksgiving.