Register now for TransparencyCamp 2015!

One of the most rewarding aspects of being at the helm of Sunlight is meeting members of our community and hearing from them about the positive impact we’ve had together to create more accountability in government, from the hyperlocal level to around the world. A primary way that Sunlight has helped to cultivate a close-knit community in the open government space is through our annual TransparencyCamp gathering.
I’m thrilled to announce registration is now open for our eighth TransparencyCamp, coming September 11-12 in Washington, D.C.

We’re excited to unveil a reimagined TransparencyCamp experience. This year, we’re organizing our confab to take place in the fall — a season that we hope will facilitate better community participation. We’ll kick things off with a social gathering and orientation on the evening of Friday, Sept. 11, then engage in a full day of creative unconference programming on Saturday, Sept. 12.
For those who have attended TCamp in the past, you should know that we’re embarking on a newly imagined TransparencyCamp for 2015. We’re keeping the energy and heart of TCamp the same, and after listening to feedback from previous years, we’re streamlining the event. We’ll have some inspiring keynote speakers, and TCamp will still be that great “unconference” experience, so expect to attend a very participatory event. You get to decide what the agenda will be, so come with your ideas ready! And tell your friends about TCamp by sharing the registration link using the hashtag #TCamp15.
Space is limited, so please register today to secure your spot.
Need more inspiration? Watch this video about last year’s TCamp
We’re already looking forward to it! See you there!