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Koch-funded group: Whoops! Didn’t mean to be so transparent


Americans for Prosperity, which is not required to disclose its donors while spending more than $20 million on ads trying to oust President Obama, accidentally provided more detail than required on where exactly it was spending its millions last week. That is, until the group realized that even that information is not required by the Federal Election Commission.

When it filed a report on Aug. 8 with the FEC detailing its TV ad buys for the week, the Koch brothers-funded organization included a state-by-state breakdown of how much they spent in 11 swing states. That level of detail is actually ...

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House freshmen: New members find new earmarks?


L-R:Mick Mulvaney, R-S.C.; Tom Reed, R-N.Y.; Robert Dold, R-Ill.; Tim Huelskamp, R-Kan.

More than two dozen first-term House members, part of an enormous freshman class swept into office on an anti-incumbent tide of disgust over Washington insider dealing, have introduced a combined 263 bills designed to benefit the bottom lines of hometown corporations.

An analysis of campaign finance records by the Sunlight Foundation shows that some of the corporations that stand to save money from bills aimed at temporarily suspending tariffs on products that the firms import are also campaign contributors to the members of Congress introducing ...

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Profile: Robert Dold


Party: Republican
State and District: Illinois, 10
Born: June 23, 1969  Evanston, Ill. 
Campaign cash raised: $5,885,315
Money from businesses that lobby: $672,729
Money from leadership PACs: $163,000
Money from in-state / out-of-state: $2,993,909 / $690,699
At-risk in November? Yes
Outside group spending: $15,525 in support, $693.94 in opposition
Net worth in 2010: $696,022 to $6,394,996
Net worth in 2011: $1,047,023 to $6,409,996


Dold's Capitol Words profile

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Profile: Mick Mulvaney


Party: Republican
State and District: South Carolina, 5
Born: July 21, 1967 Alexandria, Va.
Campaign cash raised: $2,202,415
Money from businesses that lobby: $281,094
Money from leadership PACs: $90,998
Money from in-state / out-of-state: $665,843 / $446,650
At-risk in November? No
Outside group spending: None reported
Net worth in 2010: $1,514,081 to $6,310,997
Net worth in 2011: $551,071 to $5,892,096


Mulvaney's Capitol Words profile

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Profile: Todd Young


Party: Republican
State and District: Indiana, 9
Born: Aug. 24, 1972 Lancaster, Penn.
Campaign cash raised: $3,227,862
Money from businesses that lobby: $231,000
Money from leadership PACs: $90,000
Money from in-state / out-of-state: $1,608,429 / $402,947 
At-risk in November? No
Outside group spending: $34,327 in opposition
Net worth in 2010: -$4,997 to $134,999
Net worth in 2011: -$489,995 to $684,998


Young's Capitol Words profile

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Twoops! Romney-Ryan ticket has some lawmakers violating congressional Twitter rules


Deleted tweets by Rep. Renee Ellmers, R-N.C.When Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney announced Rep. Paul Ryan as his running mate over the weekend, it set off a flurry of activity on some official congressional Twitter accounts.

Many posts were in support of the seven-term Wisconsin Republican's promotion to his party's national ticket. 

"Congratulations to my colleague @RepPaulRyan. He is a serious pick," tweeted Rep. Mike Turner, R-Ohio.

"It's not every day that the House's best & brightest. @RepPaulRyan is drafted to help lead America's comeback," posted Rep. Virginia Foxx, R-N.C.  

And some were in opposition.

“@MittRomney sent a clear msg to ...

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