Sunlight on Financial Industry and Washington
Jan. 30, 2014, 5:20 p.m.
The Sunlight Foundation has a number of tools and ongoing reporting on the financial industry and its strong presence in politics.
Dodd-Frank Meeting Log Tracker
A centralized searchable database of lobbyists and executives from Wall Street firms, big banks and insurance companies meeting with financial regulators. The tracker is updated as soon as new meetings are reported.
Influence Explorer: Securities & Investment Industry Overview
Lobbying Tracker: Financial Institutions/Investments/Securities
The Sunlight Foundation’s Lobbyist Registration Tracker shows the latest filings listing the financial industry under the general lobbying issue area.
Buried Treasure
The hub of the Sunlight Foundation’s Reporting Group stories that use public financial data and investigate what financial data is not publicly available.
New York Times: Wall Street Continues to Spend Big on Lobbying
NYT uses Sunlight’s Dodd-Frank Meeting Log Tracker to follow which financial firms are petitioning their regulators.
Washington Post: Standard & Poor’s, others lobby government while rating its credit
An article about the influence of Standard & Poor’s using a Sunlight Foundation analysis of federal disclosure records.
Reuters: Wall Street gives much to lawmakers in reform debate
A Reuters piece about lobbying by the financial industry that cites the Sunlight Foundation.