With support from the Hewlett Foundation, Sunlight is worked to improve the transparency ecosystem in Argentina. By publishing analyses, crafting policy recommendations and co-designing advocacy campaigns with in-country partners, we supported the political reform agenda of local activists by garnering international attention and supplying an international lens to their work. Additionally, we conducted consultations and trainings to help build our partners’ capacity and broaden their knowledge of technology and open government. Ultimately, we documented how the experience of transparency advocacy can translate from one context to another.

We worked closely with many transparency activists and organizations on this work, including Fundacion Directorio Legislativo, Poder Ciudadano, Wingu, Cargografias, La Nación and Chequeado, which continue to monitor decision-makers, push for policy reform, and create more demand from citizens or scraping data.


  • Open data

    Freedom of information and open data are two essential sides of the same coin, each playing a key role in transparency oversight. We collected arguments on why transparency and freedom of information matter for a better and more inclusive society, available both in English and Spanish.

  • Transparency reform

    To support the work of Argentine civil society pushing for broader transparency reform, Sunlight conducted interviews with activists from other countries running public campaigns to rebuild citizen trust and end corruption. We documented advocacy successes and challenges to explore how lessons learned in one context can be applied in another. The summaries of these interviews are available in both English and Spanish.

  • Freedom of Information (FOI)

    Access to information is increasingly treated as a fundamental human right all over the globe, but not in Argentina. Our timeline summarizes the history of legislative attempts to regulate FOI in the country, available both in English and Spanish. We also collected a series of Argentine information requests that are intended to demonstrate how a strong FOI law could make a difference.