It's been a busy year in the Labs. In a few days we'll filter back into the office, rested, recharged and ready to tackle 2011. But before then, let's take a second to recall everything that happened in 2010.
I should start with the most important stuff: the people. We added a bunch of new teammates this year. Andrew, Chris, Alison, Caitlin and Aaron have all proven to be great additions to Sunlight; we're lucky to have them. We also had some folks move around within the Labs. Ali officially became Sunlight's Creative Director; Ethan took over the Data Commons Project; and Kevin grabbed the helm of Subsidyscope. And I stepped into Clay's shoes partway through the year when he struck off in search of a new adventure.
We put all that new talent to good use: in 2010 we built a ton of stuff. Here are some -- but by no means all -- of the the things we made this year:
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