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Tag Archive: Disclosure

Sunlight Blogger Round-up: Utah Transparency Report Card


The quest for "Sunshine" is not a one time venture. Indeed the summary of the blog posts below shows that the journey may begin with citizens questioning the activities of public officials as is the case with Hawaii's Ryan Kawailani Ozawa who probes the state's selective publication of government employee salaries. But it certainly does not end at initiating ways to boost transparency even with innovative tools such as websites. Instead, we see that constant evaluation and assessment of these tools provide room for improvement and help us determine what worked and what didn't just as Utah's transparency report demonstrates.

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Dead end disclosure: Super PAC’s biggest giver is a shadowy nonprofit with links to Sarah Palin


Citizens for a Working America PAC, a political organization that's spent $250,000 to oppose the reelection of Rep. John Spratt, D-S.C., discloses its contributions to the Federal Election Commission. Its contributor (it has only one) is New Models, a Virginia-based non-profit organized under section 501(c)4 of the Internal Revenue Code, that doesn't disclose its donors.

Call it another wrinkle in the wide open world of 2010 money in politics: Disclosed donors can be anonymous too.

Citizens for a Working America PAC filed a statement of organization with the FEC on Sept. 2, 2010; about ...

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