A new Sunlight analysis of campaign finance records from the Democratic National Committee finds party operatives have made frequent use of the White House grounds during the past four years.
Continue readingTag Archive: FEC
FEC hearing shows little consensus on regulating political money
An open FEC meeting Wednesday invited public debate on the current state of campaign finance.
Continue readingA bridge too far? Outside spender strategizes with members of Congress
Super PACs specializing in opposition research are thriving under loose coordination rules.
Continue readingCampaign reformers: Tighten coordination rules first
Coordination rules — the ones that keep independent super PACs independent — aren't working as they were intended.
Continue readingFEC meeting pits commission against itself
The latest skirmish between FEC commissioners is whether they should have the power to reign in their own lawyers' outside investigations.
Continue readingElection in the rearview, millions in the bank
The 2014 midterms were a bruising affair — racking up record costs for candidates and outside groups. Some incumbents, however, managed to weather their re-election contests while keeping millions in reserve.
Continue readingRarer than a day in June? FEC goes after congressional campaign for failure to disclose
It isn't every day that the federal campaign watchdogs actually bite.
Continue readingJoint fundraisers ballooning after McCutcheon decision
Months since the rule change we have seen a fundamental shift in the ways candidates and parties raise money as joint fundraising committees grow and candidates and parties take advantage of the new money limits.
Continue readingDark money still a Republican game
A review of reported spending by dark money outfits finds Republican candidates are getting a bigger boost from anonymous donors.
Continue readingVoting in the dark: Senate hides $57 million in campaign contributions behind thicket of dead trees
Because Senate candidates file their campaign finance reports on paper, it takes federal officials weeks to make them available for public viewing. Page count on Iowa Senate hopeful Bruce Braley's Q3 report: 26,000.
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