“The CIA is made up of American citizens just like you. The people that I work with, we believe that we hold these records in trust for the American people. When their sensitivity attenuates over time, we feel we have a responsibility so the American people can judge them for themselves. It’s important that we put these source documents online.”- Joseph Lambert
Continue readingSystem administration for junior devs: Using NGINX to handle HTTP requests
Presenting Part III of the junior developer's guide to system administration, where we will take a networked Web server and make it respond to HTTP requests at that same IP.
Continue readingSystem administration for junior devs: Setting up a virtual server with Vagrant
Presenting Part II of the junior developer's guide to system administration, explaining how to set up a private server with Vagrant to muck around on.
Continue readingSystem administration for junior devs: An introduction
Presenting Part I of the junior developer's guide to system administration, demystifying what happens when a server — outfitted with a fairly standard NGINX/Unicorn/Rails stack — fields a Web request.
Continue readingNet neutrality represents an important win for democracy
Today, over one year after the D.C. Court of Appeals struck down the FCC's rules — and after one of the most ferocious advocacy battles in American history — the FCC has formally sided in favor of a neutral Internet.
Continue readingNet neutrality is essential for a healthy democracy
The principle of nondiscrimination that is the bedrock of the Internet is certainly good for consumers — but it’s even better for our democracy.
Continue readingClearing up the confusion about our analysis of net neutrality comments to the FCC
We've gotten some intense responses and questions after releasing our latest analysis of public comments on the FCC's proposal to regulate Internet traffic. In this post, we try to clear up the issues that have been raised.
Continue readingOne group dominates the second round of net neutrality comments
A letter-writing campaign that appears to have been organized by a shadowy organization with ties to the Koch Brothers inundated the Federal Communications Commission with missives opposed to net neutrality, an analysis by the Sunlight Foundation reveals.
Continue readingWhat can we learn from 800,000 public comments on the FCC’s net neutrality plan?
FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler’s proposed rules regarding net neutrality resulted in the commission’s largest-ever public comment collection. Use this visualization to browse the hundreds of thousands of documents in a simple and manageable way.
Continue readingHow telecoms and cable have dominated net neutrality lobbying
With the FCC's proposal threatening net neutrality, lobbying activity looks like it's reached a fevered pitch. But for the organizations involved, especially telecom companies, lobbying has been at a fevered pitch for a decade.
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