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Tag Archive: John Doolittle

Doolittle Aide Accepted Trip From Abramoff:


The former chief of staff to Rep. John Doolittle (R-CA) went on a trip to Puerto Rico paid by Jack Abramoff’s lobbying firm, Greenberg Traurig. According to the Associated Press, “House rules prohibit lawmakers and staff from taking trips paid for by registered lobbyists or lobbying firms.” The Doolittle staffer, David Lopez, went on the week-long “fact-finding” trip in 2001. Doolittle has increasingly come under the microscope for his ties to Abramoff. The congressman received tens of thousands of dollars from Abramoff’s tribal clients and $14,000 from the lobbyist himself; his wife was hired by the Alexander Strategy Group, which has since gone under due to an investigation into their dealings with Abramoff; and he and Rep. Richard Pombo have been accused of undermining a federal investigation into an Abramoff client.

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Lobbyist Ties to Pombo, Mining Industry Probed:


The Los Angeles Times reports that former House Resources Committee legal aide and current mining industry lobbyist Duane Gibson held a $1,000 a head fundraiser for House Resources Chairman Richard Pombo (R-CA) that included many mining industry officials three months before Pombo presented legislation that would open up public lands to mining. Gibson, who has been named in subpoenas in the federal probe of Jack Abramoff, also worked as lead investigator at the Resources Committee on behalf of businessman Charles Hurwitz, under investigation by federal banking regulators. Charges against Hurwitz were later dropped after Pombo and John Doolittle (R-CA) – both recipients of campaign contributions from Hurwitz – undermined the federal case against him.

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Doolittle to Avoid Challenge to Leadership Post:


Despite more revelations coming out about Rep. John Doolittle’s connections to the Abramoff scandal it seems certain that he will retain his leadership post in the GOP caucus. The Sacramento Bee reports that some Republicans plan to call on a full slate of elections today, possibly endangering Doolittle’s low ranking conference secretary post. Doolittle is likely safe considering the push for full elections is expected to fall short and because Doolittle is waging a PR battle within the caucus to clear his name. “Doolittle has sent a letter to every House Republican defending himself against accusations that he was involved improperly with Abramoff.”

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Doolittle Refuses to Comment on Abramoff Ties:


Rep. John Doolittle (R-CA) will not talk about the letters that he wrote to the Interior Department in an effort to help Indian tribes who hired Jack Abramoff as a lobbyist, according to the Sacramento Bee.  One of Doolittle’s letters complained about the closing of an Indian casino contradicting Doolittle’s career-long anti-gambling stance.  Doolittle has even claimed that the reason that he wrote letters opposing Indian casino openings that threatened Abramoff clients was because he is anti-gambling.  Doolittle's contradictory letters follow one pattern: helping Abramoff clients who contributed $130,000 to him and his leadership PAC.

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