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Tag Archive: Online Transparency

Statelight: Transparency in a Box, Pt. 1


I’m excited to announce a new project from Public Equals Online and the Sunlight Foundation: Over the next few weeks and months, we’ll be developing - in large part through public blog posts such as this one - a curriculum, or guide, on how to do state level organizing and advocacy around transparency and open government.

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Ways and Means releases tariff bill database


Last week, the House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Trade released a <a Last week, the House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Trade released a new resource page on miscellaneous tariff bills, which are measures introduced by members of Congress that cut taxes on specific imported goods saving money for a limited number of beneficiaries (usually just one). The subcommittee made a very handy database of these bills (they call it the MTB Matrix), showing who proposed each bill, who will benefit from it, how much money it will cost taxpayers, and whether or not lobbyists pushed the tariff break ...

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The Rise of and the Virtuous Cycle of Transparency Innovation


In the short 30 days since the President signed the Recovery Act (aka Stimulus Bill) into law and launched:

  • 26 of 28 federal agencies currently handling stimulus dollars have launched websites at identical "/recovery" URLs (example:
  • 83 identically formatted .xls weekly reports were filed by agencies and are downloadable by reporting agency (generally 3 per agency)
  • 42 states have launched their own recovery-related web sites with several adopting the "/recovery" meme (for example:
  • 3,900 hits-per-second loads have been reported for
These early stats suggest our federal government is headed for the Web 2.0 big leagues in tracking stimulus dollars. Even better, they suggest everyone else is fielding franchise teams and swinging for the fences. No doubt we are going to see a number of strike outs as different federal, state, and local authorities learn to communicate and play together using web-based protocols and practices. But we are also going to see some exciting home runs and grand slams, too.

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