It's time for a rare multi-week roundup to highlight some recent deletions from U.S. politician archived by our Politwoops project.
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Whose former staffers make the most as lobbyists? Lott, Frist, Hoyer top the list
Analysis shows that working for a long-serving senator — especially one in a key leadership position — is a very good stepping stone to a lucrative career in lobbying.
Continue readingGun law nullification efforts fade as specter of federal gun laws retreats
Efforts by states to nullify possible new federal gun control measures have flagged, along with prospects for Congress passing any new legislation in the wake of last year's Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings.
Continue readingWho’s Lobbying on Guantanamo Bay?
We all know that there are lobbyists for companies and unions managing their, or their members, bottom lines. There are... View Article
Continue readingTalk of Transparency on Campaign Trail
The Reason Foundation has been getting the presidential candidates to talk more about transparency on the campaign trail by asking them to sign a pledge to run a transparent administration and fully enforce the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006, also known as Coburn-Obama. The FFATA requires the Office of Management and Budget to disclose all federal funding contracts, grants, and earmarks in a searchable database. The Sunlight Foundation was a part of a coalition of groups that worked to pass the bill, in particular working to out the Senator with a secret hold on the bill. So far, three candidates - Barack Obama, Ron Paul, and Sam Brownback - have signed the pledge. It's great to see transparency taking a hold as an issue in the 2008 presidential election. Hopefully, we'll hear from more candidates on the issue soon. For now, check out below for the statements made by the three pledge signees.
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