As stated in the note from the Sunlight Foundation′s Board Chair, as of September 2020 the Sunlight Foundation is no longer active. This site is maintained as a static archive only.

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Tag Archive: Sunlight Foundation

What to do tonight in DC? Get Indecent with Sunlight!


What to do tonight in DC? Get Indecent with Sunlight! In DC? Join Sunlight tonight at Indecent Disclosure, a fundraiser, happy hour, and all around transparency hootenanny taking over Madams Organ (2461 18th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20009) between 5 and 9 PM. Why, you say? Well, for starters, we throw a great party, and we love meeting other folks interested in transparency and open government. The party will include drink specials, a raffle (you enter just by buying a ticket to the event itself!), and Constant Alarm, an awesome, new, local band in DC.

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Ask the question about transparency that you’ve always wanted


Ever get tired of hearing pundits ask softball questions to politicians? Or finally hear a really great question, only to have it answered in a few TV friendly, pre-packaged bullet points that don’t tell you anything you didn’t already know? Thanks to the work of our friends at Personal Democracy Forum, we don’t have to accept this one way channel of communication. With, every American can be a part of the conversation with those running for office this election season.

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Statelight: Transparency in a Box, Pt. 1


I’m excited to announce a new project from Public Equals Online and the Sunlight Foundation: Over the next few weeks and months, we’ll be developing - in large part through public blog posts such as this one - a curriculum, or guide, on how to do state level organizing and advocacy around transparency and open government.

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Sunlight Live Recap: How We Did It


During the Health Care Summit on Thursday, Feb 25, Sunlight tried something new by connecting a live political event to the government data and information we work to make more accessible every day. Dubbed "Sunlight Live," our coverage of the joint Republican and Democratic heath care summit as a pilot was a smashing success, thanks to all of you.

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CFC (Combined Federal Campaign) Today 59063

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