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Tag Archive: Transparency

Freshman lawmaker works to repeal transparency effort in Dodd-Frank


Last week members of the Capital Markets Subcommittee forwarded legislation to repeal a portion of Dodd-Frank that requires big banks to disclose income information for all of its employees onto the full Committee on Financial Services for consideration. 

The Burdensome Data Collection Relief Act,  H.R. 1062 was introduced in March, 2011 and has a long way to go. But if the Act passes it will repeal Section 953 b of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, which is meant to increase transparency by forcing banks to disclose the median income for its employees.

According to members ...

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TransparencyCamp ’11 Recap


Last weekend's TransparencyCamp brought together about 250 government workers, software developers, investigative journalists, bloggers, students and open government advocates of all stripes to share stories, build relationships, and plan together to take on the challenges of building more open government. This year, TransparencyCamp also went global, bringing in 22 amazing transparency advocates from around the world to teach, learn and share with us here in the states.

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Consumer database survives budget deal


The controversial online consumer complaint database launched by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) in March escaped the budget axe for now, according to House legislative language released today.

The database had been targeted by freshman Rep. Mike Pompeo, R-Kansas, who in February attached a successful amendment (H.Amdt.159) to the appropriations bill to defund the database. Pompeo's top campaign contributor is Kansas-based Koch Industries, which had lobbied on the database when the legislation to create it was debated, as we reported last month. His chief of staff, Mark Chenoweth, formerly worked for Koch Industries and was chief ...

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